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Justervesenets klokke (JV-UTC):

A notified body is an independent third party verifying that the instrument satisfies the requirements of the relevant directive. Conformity assessment of a product performed by a notified body is valid all over the EU/EEA area. There are various assessment procedures, depending on the product type, to be chosen by the manufacturer.

Justervesenet: Notified body no 0431 in the EU Commission database.

Justervesenet is appointed a notified body for the Non-Automatic Weighing Instrument Directive (NAWI, 2014/31/EU) and the Measurement Instrument Directive (MID, 2014/32/EU). Its authority covers the measuring instruments that are most important in Norway. The categories are listed below, with the corresponding directive and module:

  • non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWI, modules B, D, F, G)
  • automatic weighing instruments of a number of types (MID, modules B, D, F, G)
  • flow meters for liquids other than water (MID, modules B, D, F, G)
  • electricity meters (MID, modules B, D, F)
  • multi-dimensional measuring instruments (MID, modules B, D, F)

Justervesenet may assess measuring instruments in these categories from any company in any country, to allow the instrument marketed in Europe.

Application form and terms of delivery
Application form module B, G and D
Application form Welmec 8.8
General terms of agreement Module B G D and W8.8

Application form module F
General terms of agreement for verification Module F

Fill in and sign the application form, and send it to: postmottak@justervesenet.no

Contact person: Gunnstein Å. Hæreid

Sist endret 17. August 2023